How Diffbot’s Automatic APIs Helped Topic’s Content Marketing App Get To Market Faster

The entrepreneurs at Topic saw many of their customers struggle with creating trustworthy SEO content that ranks high in search engine results.

They realized that while many writers may be experts at crafting a compelling narrative, most are not experts at optimizing content for search. Drawing on their years of SEO expertise, this two-person team came up with an idea that would fill that gap.

They came up with Topic, an app that helps users create better SEO content and drive more organic search traffic.They had a great idea. They had a fitting name. The next step was figuring out the best way to get their product to market.

The Problem

Topic needed a scalable and precise way that a 2-person team could extract article content and metadata from top search result articles from across the web.

Key Takeaways

  • Rule-based web extraction is hard to scale when dealing with pages from across the web
  • Knowledge-as-a-service circumvents the cost of messy data and maintaining freshness in extracted data
  • Extracted data is only as good as its structure and metadata

The Solution

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